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Who we are Our history


A small company in the heart of Puglia was founded in 1993 and, after 26 years, BIELLEBI srl established itself as a leading company in the bakery sector, focused on quality. Quality based on the ingredients and on the artisanal production that allows us to preserve the taste and flavor that
has always distinguished our products.
Thanks to modern technologies that support this artisan production we have reached excellent production levels, selecting raw materials and constantly monitoring the processes. In fact, we have been holding the IFS (International Food Standard levelA) and ISO 9001 certification.
In line with the tastes of different consumers, we are pleased to offer a wide range of products including the classic TARALLINO, which can be flavored with a selection of spices and special flours (including multigrain and wholemeal).
Furthermore, we have obtained the certification for the production of organic tarallini, which allows us to produce a real “0 km” product made only with the ingredients of our Puglia: local wheat flour, extra virgin olive oil and white wine.




For more information, contact us and we will guide you to discover our products.


Copyright Biellebi s.r.l.
P. IVA: 06089700725

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Ph:  +39 080 627199
Fax: +39 080 627199

Biellebi S.rl. S.P. 87 Palo-Bitetto 70027 Palo del Colle (BA)

Informazioni ex art. 1, comma 125, della legge 4 agosto 2017 n. 124
La società ha incassato nel corso dell’anno 2022 € 19.378 di contributi in conto esercizio dal GSE (Gestore Servizi Energetici) in dipendenza della convenzione stipulata tra l’Impresa e lo stesso GSE per l’incentivazione della produzione di energia elettrica mediante conversione fotovoltaica della fonte solare (genericamente, “Tariffe Incentivanti.) derivante dall’impianto fotovoltaico di proprietà della società; Convenzione n.M01H368098507 e n. M01F08365807